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Showing posts from 2019

"curiouser and curiouser" cried Alice.....

"curiouser and curiouser" cried Alice..... Do you categorize people? I do. Oh there are many ways to pigeonhole the persons you meet from taste in music, art, food, drinks, activities, books, the list is huge. But I find myself focusing on just a few major (to me) differences in the persons I meet and those differences "make all the difference"........ What people talk about is important to me. I tend to divide people into two groups when listening to them speak. They are either materialist talkers or idea talkers. The material oriented will go on and on about their latest acquisition, describing same in great detail, be it a pair of shoes (find an excuse to disappear if you are trapped by one of these persons), a new car, a large screen television (the larger the screen, the more they will obsess over it), or even "this year's spring fashion color"! Unfortunately, most people fall into this category.  Then there is that much smaller group...